Monday, June 05, 2006

Puting the "cycle" back in My Weekly Cycle

It used to be I'd only use the tablet for inking and coloring, but now I find myself doing more straight up sketching and *gasp* animating with it. This weekend I was sketching with said tablet and listening to one of my friend Jeremy's songs. The product of this activity is the quick and dirty cycle of him playing a tambourine featured above.

I'm not sure why I'm playing a Christmas song in June, but I think it has something to do with the adorable banter with his fiancée at the beginning. Can I refer to something as "adorable" or does that have some negative effect on my gonads? Oh well, it can't be any worse for my person than the copious amounts of caffeine I pump through my body. Mmmm sweet sweet caffeine.

Oh yeah, you'll need Flash to see the animation.


Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Animation! I'd say that this is some of the best looking animated stuff I've seen from you, style-wise at least. You're awesome with that tablet.

Ryan said...

Thanks Russell. The motion on it is a bit wonky, but I'm pretty pleased with the characterization. It took me a bit longer than I thought to get used to the tablet, but now I freakin' love it. Hopefully you'll be seeing more quick animations on here as a result.

Natura said...

Hi, hi too fun and very well done. You have a great style :)